
Commitment to people and the environment

Engagement Sozial Zusammenwachsen 01
Engagement Sozial Zusammenwachsen 02

Promoting unity

As a company, we are also a part of society, and are therefore committed to making a contribution to social cohesion.

This means an active commitment to creating a higher quality of life in the regions in which we are located. As a part of this commitment, we promote and support associations and projects that work to promote unity.

Kunstundkultur Kopie
Tmp Engagement Kultur 02

Broadening perspectives

Because we are designers and creators, we are passionate about artistic topics and are committed to recognizing them.

For this reason, among other projects, we support the Wolfgang Hahn Prize, awarded by the “Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst“ (Society for Modern Art) at Museum Ludwig in Cologne, which promotes exceptional contemporary artists.

Engagement An Morgen Denken 01
Engagement An Morgen Denken 02

Thinking about tomorrow

Commitment to sustainability means thinking about tomorrow: creating and preserving quality of life. For instance, in addition to being a defining urban design element, Cologne’s green belt is particularly important for sports and local recreation.

Along with the “Kölner Grün Stiftung“ (Cologne Green Foundation), Bauwens is active in the preservation and enhancement of parks. The “Green Belt Impulse” initiative ensures that the green heart of the city will be maintained for the future. This is why, when it comes to real estate, we are also thinking about tomorrow: planning and building in a resource-efficient and sustainable way.


Team spirit and responsibility

The term “sports” stands for team spirit. Anyone who is part of a team has to take on responsibility. In clubs, social togetherness also plays an important role.

Bauwens therefore supports all kinds of sports organizations, whether soccer, hockey or basketball – from amateur sports to professional teams. Sporting events like the B2Run in Cologne help our own team grow closer together and push themselves to excel.

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Tmp Engagement Bildung 02

Shaping the future together

Because we want to contribute to the future of education, collaboration and exchanges with universities and research institutions are especially important to us.

In lectures and on joint projects, we share our knowledge and seek to inspire students to pursue innovative topics in the real estate industry.

  • Aachen Building Experts
  • Bau Kompetenzen im Dialog - Deutscher Beton und Bautechnik-Verein e.V.
  • BVMB (Bundesverband Mittelständischer Bauunternehmen)
  • BFW (Bundesverband Freier Immobilien- und Wohnungsunternehmen)
  • DGAP Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.
  • Die Bauindustrie Nordrhein-Westfalen
  • Die Deutsche Bauindustrie
  • Die Familien Unternehmer
  • FBN Deutschland
  • The Family Business Network
  • GLCI (German Lean Construction Institute)
  • Industrie-Club Düsseldorf
  • KölnAlumni - Freunde und Förderer der Universität zu Köln e.V.
  • UMU (Union mittelständischer Unternehmen e.V.)
  • Unternehmer für die Region Köln e.V. - Stadt Köln
  • Rotonda Business-Club
  • ZIA (Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss)

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